Wednesday, March 24, 2010

outta gas

I wanted to get the 800M, 1600M, 800M run workout done today. It was on my schedule for Monday, but I wasn't able to fit it in.

Had nothin' in the tank this morning. Not sure why. Just felt tired and fatiqued. Forced myself to get this done anyway. Ran outside.

800M   TT 3:58
1600M TT 7:45
800M   TT 3:54

WOD: AMRAP = 2 pullups, 4 dead lifts @bodyweight (I only did 100 lbs.), 6 burpees, 8 situps
Completed 9 full reps + 2 pull ups, 4 dead lifts, 6 burpees

Workout called for me to do the dead lifts @my body weight. Initially, I had 120 (still much less than my body weight) on the bar plus the bar probably weighs 10+ lbs. This was too much so I downloaded to 100. Need to build on this. Didn't want to hurt myself. I did feel like I was able to get into a good rhythm with the dead lifts tho. Happy with this workout. Felt better this evening than I did this morning.

1 comment:

  1. those are good times Pam! And so consistent! You even worked harder on the mile than the 1/ should be psyched! good job!
