Monday, July 05, 2010

Back Squats 3-3-3-3-3

Did these late in the day. Kept weight at 108 so as not to aggravate the glute/hamstring thing. It actually felt better when I was done...

Also did 2 sets of 12 back extensions and 2 full pull ups. Yup, only managed two...

Its disgustingly hot... I may move to Canada...


  1. Yes it is hot and just an FYI - it has been a beautiful 65 degrees in Vancouver (where my son spends his summers). We LOVE Canada.
    And I think this is the week that I actually do a real pullup!!

  2. Glad it's feeling a little better Pam. My gym had no air this morning, but it was still better than outside.

  3. glad the glute is better. I love toronto, fabulous city!
