Thursday, August 12, 2010

AMRAP 20: boxjumps, squats, lunges and 30 minute bike TT

8 a.m.
10, 10, 10 (5 each leg) box jumps, squats, lunges AMRAP 20 minutes
Completed 17 full rounds plus 10 box jumps, 10 squats, 6 lunges.

Wow, this one left my legs shaking. Struggled with the box jumps initially. Kept almost missing the step. Got better as I went on and started putting more of my arms and upper body into it. These bothered the glute a little bit on the box landing, but not too bad.

6:30 p.m.
30 minute bike TT
Total Distance was 10.01 mile (20.0 MPH)

Warmed up for 10+ minutes
Did an additional 8 or so miles post TT

Felt better on the bike than I thought I would. Was really tired and stressed with work today.


  1. Always great to jump on the bike to clear the head after a long stressful day at work!
