CF WOD in the a.m.
5 burpees, 10 pushups, 500M Row AMRAP
Completed 6 full rounds plus 1 burpee in 20 minutes
In the evening after work:
Bike intervals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 miles, rest same number of minutes in between each
Did this outside on the tri bike. I wasn't properly fueled I think, but I pushed through it anyway. You can see in the 2nd 2 miler I kinda fell off a bit, but I dug deep for that last mile knowing that dinner would be next :)
1 mile 3:09 19.0 AHR 127
2 mile 6:10 19.46 AHR 140
3 mile 8:30 21.18 AHR 140
4 mile 12:04 19.89 AHR 139
5 mile 14:49 20.25 AHR 135
4 mile 12:21 19.43 AHR 132
3 mile 9:12 19.57 AHR 128
2 mile 6:23 18.8 AHR 128
1 mile 2:52 21.0 AHR 132
oh... and 4 pullups! post ride — because I could...
nice job and i love the pullups!!! :)