Thursday, September 23, 2010

CF WOD: 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats for time AND bike 1 mile, rest 1 minute x15

In the morning...

100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats for time
Total time: 16:52

I broke these out in to 4 sets of 25 each. The pull ups and push ups were murder!

In the evening...

Bike 1 mile, rest 1 minute x 15

Mile 1  3:13:30/18.6 AHR 132
Mile 2  3:06:90/19.3 AHR 139
Mile 3  2:56:86/20.4 AHR 138
Mile 4  2:50:10/21.2 AHR 139
Mile 5  2:46:85/21.6 AHR 140
Mile 6  2:48:04/21.4 AHR 140
Mile 7  3:04:65/19.5 AHR 141
Mile 8  2:45:43/21.8 AHR 137
Mile 9  3:06:28/19.3 AHR 158
Mile 10 3:08:51/19.1 AHR 156
Mile 11 3:12:95/18.7 AHR 157
Mile 12 2:48:24/21.4 AHR 157
Mile 13 3:04:25/19.5 AHR 154
Mile 14 3:03:18/19.6 AHR 153
Mile 15 3:09:45/19.0 AHR 154

Finished this up in the dark. Days are getting short!

1 comment:

  1. good work that is a lot of pullup and pushups!
