Okay, it was 45.
45.13 miles
Total time: 2:40 (16.92 mph)
Was supposed to do ride 5 miles, rest 5 minutes x 5, but since I had the day off I decided to do the 40 mile TT I couldn't do back on August 7th due to the hamstring issue.
Meant to get started much earlier but had to deal with a work issue first!
Set out around 11:30. Rode out into East Windsor and Ellington. There is absolutely no shade out there! It was nasty hot. Didn't bring near enough water and only had two GUs. Forced myself to do 4 loops of a route I like to do that has a little of everything in it - nice climb, nice downhill, some false flats, etc. No shade though!
Had to ride through the chip seal on my road to get started. That sucked. Once I got across Route 5 though it was fairly smooth sailing. There were a few mail trucks, school buses, farm vehicles, the odd wac driver, - oh! and a line painting truck! Mmmmm, love the smell of fresh paint :)— but nothing much to get in my way AND, i didn't end up with a double yellow line on my back. Tried to keep the pace up, but definitely was feeling the heat and the lack of calories at around mile 30.
Was happy to get a good ride in.
Sounds like a good ride Pam. I am hoping to get mine in this weekend.