a.m. WOD: 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 max weight dead lifts
I did 178 - 178 - 178 - 178 - 158
I did try to start with 188 which would be more than i've ever done, but couldn't get the bar off the ground. Need to get a couple of 5s or 2.5s so I can work smaller increments to a bigger load or take less off when I start to fail. Felt good with these. Last set of 178 was tough to hold onto the bar.
p.m WOD: bike tabata | 20 sec. work/10 sec. rest
did 6.67 miles total for the tabata
I did this outside on my tri bike. Set up my Garmin for intervals. Lots of beeping and vibrating. This was fun once i got into the rhythm of it. Really worked the quads as when it was go time, I generally got out of saddle or had to push hard to get the bike up to speed again after laying off the pedals for 10 seconds. I warmed up for about 11 minutes with 3.2 miles and then did an additional 6 miles post tabata for a total of about 16.5 miles. Averaged about 18.5 mph for the whole ride. Legs felt really strong.
You got some strong legs!