Sunday, May 02, 2010

21, 15, 9 back squats and 4x400 swimmin'

CF WOD: 21 back squats, Row 500M, 15 back squats, Row 500M, 9 back squats Row 500M
I did 70#s for the back squats ( a little short of half my body weight) and ran .3 mile on the treadmill.

Finished in 10:44.

Really tough workout! I tried to go 80 on the back squats but felt like it was gonna be too much so unloaded to 70. Was tough to do 21 straight. Had to break these up a little, but tried to keep breaks super short. Running was also difficult, but hey its .3 miles so giddy-up! Would have much preferred to row, but my gym is not open on Sundays. Ran 1 mile warm up and 1.1 mile cool down after.

Second Workout: Swim 4x400 - 80% effort keep sets within 4 seconds of each other.


Took 1 minute rest in between.

Not sure if I can swim 80% effort, but I think I did. 100% effort was yesterday's 100s. Those are all out swim so hard you might puke kind of efforts. So I think this was 80%. Don't feel like I worked that first one really hard, but it came right after the 4x50 catch up set so I was rockin' better form for that one. Not too bad holding on for the next two. Would have liked to have held a sub 7:50 for the last. Overall though, feeling really good and strong in the water! Did 2200 yards total for the workout.

I used to have a great Timex HR monitor that gave me HR in the pool. Its since died and they don't seem to make that model anymore. I went through two of them actually and got a lot of use out of each. My Suunto won't give me HR in the water. I also just replaced my Garmin -- also kaput after 4 years -- with a Garmin 310XT, but it doesn't track HR in the pool... So how are folks getting their HRs in the pool?

1 comment:

  1. I am using an old Polar f6 in the pool I replaced it w/a better polar w/running pod 1.5 yrs ago and now use the old one in the water. I am so addicted to knowing my HRs and Calories burned (not sure why on the calories)
