Sunday, March 21, 2010

jump on it, jump on it

CF workout = 5 pullups, 10 box jumps 15x for time
Completed in 11:22

This was my set up for this gig. The step into the basement addition is 13.5 inches high so worked perfect for the box jumps. No way was I gonna miss because that concrete would have torn me up good. I do the pullups on the bar with the weights on it and use a stretch band to off load some of my body weight — not quite enough of it I'm afraid.

This workout was challenging. I could only get about 3 decent pull ups after about the 5th set. I still did the 5 each time, its just that the last 2 were kinda pathetic. I just kept at. The box jumps got hard too but not nearly as hard as the pull ups. Was fun. Felt like I'd run a 5k when I finished. Did a 1 mile warm up on the tready and a 1 mile cool down as well. Felt the box jumps in my hips during that run.

Rode my tri bike outside today too — after. Legs were dead and there was a nasty northerly headwind! Got about 20 miles in tho :)

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